Academic paper

Media coverage

  • Using blockchain to protect trees, how does LeafIoT save the city’s “green lifeline”? | WEB3+ / BNext Media

  • How LeafIot Uses AI to Predict and Prevent Tree Falls in Cities | Meet Global

  • PolyU develops smart tree management system and transfers technology to the Tree Management Office to improve tree health monitoring in Hong Kong | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Harnessing technology to monitor tree stability | Spring 2021 - Issue 4 | Excel x Impact@PolyU

  • Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in tree management | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • 馬會推「智慧城市樹木管理計劃」提升樹木風險管理 更獲國際獎項 (

  • 理大研發系統偵測大樹傾斜 防倒塌危機|即時新聞|港澳|on.cc東網

  • 理大樹木監斜器 揭塌前有先兆 風吹傾斜至倒下需數小時 及早圍封避傷亡 - 20211010 - 港聞 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網 (

  • World first as tree sensors hold sway | The Standard

  • Smart Tree Monitoring System for Urban Tree Management | Innovation Hub

Press Release