More than just Tree Sensors

Sensing-as-a-service tree tilting monitoring (S2aaS)

LeafIoT offers a full-service ambient tilting angle monitoring solution with unmatched hardware, software, and customer support. Used in Hong Kong for more than 8,000 trees. LEAFIoT’s sensing as-a-service solution empowers you with continuous monitoring and accurate data - so you can focus on the important work.

Key Features

Setting Us Apart from the others

Long Lasting Battery

Our batteries are chosen from the best, the most optimal options in the market for outdoor use. Based on our records, our batteries can last up to 1.5 years, with 80% of them lasting more than 2 years.

High Accuracy

Our sensors have a margin of error of less than 0.1 degrees, making them exceptionally reliable and useful for precise tree health monitoring and effective management.

Real-Time Data Dashboard

LeafIoT's real-time data dashboard provides instant monitoring and analysis of tree health. It visualizes sensor data for proactive management and quick decision-making, enhancing environmental sustainability.

Blockchained Data

Our blockchain-secured data ensures transparent, secure, and immutable records for tree health monitoring, enhancing trust in environmental management.

How LeafIoT Tree Monitoring Works

Each tree tilt measurement point’s annual data license covers everything you need to take action, including:

Tree Tilt Measurement

Self-powered LeafIoT monitoring hardware measures tree tilt levels and sends the data back to our dashboard based on weather conditions.

Tree Tilt Data Visualization

Data is accessible via the LeafIoT Dashboard, API, and LeafIoT Map, allowing users to visualize tree tilt levels easily. This intuitive system makes it simple for users to understand and monitor tree health without prior knowledge of trees.

Alerting System

Our alerting system provides real-time notifications based on data from our sensors. It monitors tree tilt levels and other critical parameters, sending immediate alerts to users when thresholds are exceeded. This ensures prompt action can be taken to address potential issues, enhancing tree health and safety management.




Recorded Displacement

Our recorded displacement history tracks the movement and tilt of trees over time, allowing us to detect abnormalities before they reach critical thresholds.

This enables early intervention and preventative maintenance, addressing potential issues such as environmental impact or infections.

What’s Next?

Sit back and relax, we’ve got you covered

Bio-Testing Service

Trees are not just part of the landscape; they are living bio-systems essential to our ecosystem's health and longevity.

Partnering with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, we provide our bio-testing service when there is an alert triggered on the tree.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Bio-Chemistry Department Lab

Pest and Disease Tree Health Report

The Health Report for your tree

AI Analysis and Prediction

Know the consequences and what to do next

Add an unique identification to your trees!

This feature allows each tree to be individually tracked and monitored, ensuring precise data collection and personalized care.

With LeafIPlate, you can easily access detailed insights about each tree’s health and risk status, enhancing your ability to manage and protect your green assets effectively.

LeafIoT Hotline

LeafIoT is always here to help you solve your tree problems

Call: +852 3996 8688

Whatsapp: +852 5222 3501

What Else?

The value we bring you is never-ending. We evolve with the world while you improve with us


ESG stands for Environment, Social, and Governance. In LeafIoT, we know the importance of achieving and maintaining ESG standards.

To provide our customer with the best experience, there will be ESG reporting in our service.